Sometimes I Pee My Pants


Stress Urinary Incontinence (aka “sometimes I pee my pants”) is one of the most common pelvic floor complaints that brings a woman into a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Clinic. Many women are led to believe that once they’ve had a child, or once they have reached a certain age that wearing a panty liner is inevitable. Well… it’s not! Although extremely common, urinary incontinence should not be looked at as a normal result of pregnancy or aging. There are several things you can do to eliminate those symptoms and in turn, have a healthy functioning pelvic floor!

Learning how to breathe properly, pelvic bracing, and strengthening the pelvic floor are some simple steps you can take to improve stress urinary incontinence. Further components of a program may include pelvic down training, trigger point release, and fascial mobilization. A Pelvic Physical Therapist can help determine an optimal treatment program and help with your symptoms.

Empower Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is conveniently located in Chapel Hill, NC. Contact us to learn more!


A conversation about Lube with Dr. Alexis and Kathryn, from The Nurtured Nest


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